Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Just Say No...

For goodness sake..."Just Say No!"

Technology of late has us, admittedly, totally in tune and up to date. It also has us completely ADDICTED! I have heard of and witnessed first hand the Blackberry, A.K.A.: the "Crackberry." And now, sadly enough, I am the proud (?!?!?) user of the BlackJack, A.K.A.: my "CrackJack!" I had to borrow this post from the highly esteemed (certainly by me!) photographer Liana Lehman. She called the Crackberry out for what it really is, and vowed to use hers only in an appropriate fashion.
I do respect her highly on many different levels, but admit it: breaking free of my beloved "CrackJack" will take nothing short of a 12 step program to cure me of my newest fascination with technology. Did I hear the I Phone just came out??!!??
I digress...

My good friend Michele tried and tried again to warn me of the highly addictive nature to this phone,and yet I rebelled.
And then I saw the light... A well deserved and anticipated "girls cruise" seemed in order in the midst of Florida's slower wedding season, and 9 of us embarked on a care free and fun filled 4 day cruise to the Caribbean. Great company, friendship and memories were our priority rather than amenities as we were confident we could make our own wherever we went; but shutting that phone off...that was PRICELESS! More difficult for some than others, I stand by Liana in posting these Blackberry Commandments!

Cheers to our treasured friendships and shameless addictions!!!

p.s.: we were all barely in port and in line for customs before we were all (me included!) checking in with our phones!!!!

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