Keeping this entry succinct and concise may prove to be a demanding task for me for my latest wedding friend interview...
Where does one begin when trying to describe the illustrious and effervescent Sarah Hanna?? I have such a profound admiration and respect for this young lady--well, let's face it; "dame!" Wise beyond her years, I never lose sight of the little girl that is forever tapping at her spirit and calling out to the rest of us when things get so...serious.
Widely esteemed in the wedding industry both locally and nationally, Sarah actually hails from an artistic and creative family. Also touting a keen interest in the visual and culinary arts, Sarah reckons attention to detail in all of her projects.
Since many of us seem to be incredibly well-acquainted with the woman behind the finest calligraphy and art, I say we raise our glasses of Proseco {a favorite shared between the two of us!} in learning the true "soul" that is Sarah Hanna...
Itching to work with: Sarah {free spirit that she is!!} left this one blank, so I shall answer for her: Lisa Konecny. Wait--we've done that countless times--including this weekend. Okay then--perhaps Lisa Konecny in conjunction with the entertainment committee over at Lincoln Center or the Julliard. Boy, we could pull off a swell fete for them, couldn't we, Sarah??
Fashion Obsessions: Calvin Tran. The man, the legend.
Beauty must-haves: Fabulous hats that say, 'take me to Ascot, dahhling.'
Office/Work must haves: Pandora music
Speed dialing: Every Thai and Vietnamese take-out in a 10 mile radius of my studio
Can’t get enough of: The Daily Show
Jonesing to: go sailing in the Greek islands
Current work project: Mixed media fine art commissions incorporating wedding vows...perfect for the first anniversary (traditionally paper) or just as an excuse to add something beautifully customized to your home. I calligraph the vows throughout the piece, using the words as design elements (see detail shot of one of my works in progress). The finished artwork is layered with meaning so there is always something more to discover.
Current personal project: I replaced my dining room table with a baby grand piano. To quote Rodney Dangerfield, "I love to drink and sing. My friends would rather hear me drink."
Necessary extravagance: Cartier hand-painted correspondence cards (available at The Paper Shop). There is not a more elegant way to say what you have to say.
If I weren't an artist: That's easy. I would be a chef.
In my bag: a wine key and a passport
Recent discovery: The Inn at Palmetto Bluff. It is truly divinity on a platter.
Craving: Sarah missed this one too, so here I go again...How about another slumber party with my girls where we make homemade pizza, drink Proseco and invite a nice boy over for some cake? :)
*Fun, fearless and frivolous flashbacks*
Your daughter Sara's 5th grade spelling bee. She wrote me the most poised, gracious thank-you note for the roses I'd brought her. The note stayed on my fridge for, I am not kidding, two years! I thought Hillary miiiight have been beat her to it, but your daughter is going to be the first female President. That's right - you heard it here first.
Your daughter Carolina's game, 'Follow The Dog.' For those of you not familiar with the dinner-time festivities at the Konecny home, 'Follow the Dog' is a game where Carolina cuts out a paper tail, tapes it to the contestants' behind, and literally follows the dog around the house - doing every thing the dog does. When she was small enough, Carolina would put on socks so that she could ski behind the dog. The best part is that Lisa would find pieces of paper all over the house with cut-out tails - ha! I love that you have encouraged such creativity in your girls!
After we had first met, we had lunch at Park Plaza and you told stories about living in New York and taking your daughters back to visit. You had me laughing so hard at 'the subway episode,' I remember hoping we'd be friends for a very long time.
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